Depends On Him

Even though Huo Sanyan refused to leave, she was still carried into the plane by Ye Xun.

Ni Xuelin followed them and found the way her brother was expressing his love to be interesting.

She believed that her brother and Huo Sanyan would become a couple, but everything depended on how Ye Xun chose to proceed.

After a long flight, the plane landed at Estan's Lin City International Airport.

Cars had been prepared to take them to the Yunjing Manor.

"Oh my god! This place is beautiful!" Huo Sanyan exclaimed when they arrived.

"A garden! I love gardens!" Ying Bao shouted happily as she ran in front of the adults.

When they entered the mansion, the others noticed that the decoration was almost the same as their place in Shengshi Yujing.

"Daddy, mummy, where is our crystal door?" Ying Bao asked when she could not find it.

"Oh, baby, this is not Peijing," Xu Xiyan explained. "There's no crystal door here."