Mastering the Opportunity

"Let's go!" He led his men away.

When Helian Chen and his men left, Ouyang Feifei came out and asked with deep concern, "Mr. Jun, are you OK?"

"I'm fine."

"Your hand is bleeding."

Ouyang Feifei saw the cut on Jun Yan's hand and cried, "Let me take you to the hospital!"

"No need."

Xu Xiyan would only need a bandage over the cut. She hid her hand behind and did not want to blow her disguise.

"No way! It's bleeding. It'll be worse if it gets infected."

Ouyang Feifei saw the cut as a huge wound. It could be life-threatening.

Last time she had a tiny cut on her finger, her mother forced her to stay in the hospital for a week!

Xu Xiyan found the prissy Ouyang Feifei somewhat cute. Her father was the Secretary of State. But she was not putting on any airs.

"I'll take care of it."

In order to stop her from further crying, Xu Xiyan went to the car and put a bandage over the cut. "Now we are fine. No more bleeding."