As Long As He Could Pull Himself Together

In Mingjue Pub, they opened the door to the private room and were immediately overwhelmed by the smell of liquor.

Empty bottles were scattered on the table, and a person was lying pickled on the couch. His collar was loosened, his hair tangled and his beard unkempt.

It was completely unlike the self-disciplined Helian Qingyu.

"Hey, Qingyu, why are you so drunk again?"

Gu Yici came to him and snatched the liquor and glass.

Helian Qingyu tried to get up for his liquor. "Give me my liquor… I want one more…"

"Look at yourself! Where is our general? If the enemy attacked Estan right now, how could you lead your army to defend the country? Listen to me! No more liquor! Time to wake up!"

Gu Yici murmured like an old maid and tried to pull him up.

"Gu Yici! I order you to hand me the liquor!"

Helian Qingyu yelled and burped. How drunk he was.