Too Lonely

Huo Yunshen put on a smile. He held Xu Xiyan's hand, walked to the table and took a seat.

Figuring out the boy's name, Ye Xun asked, "Dingding, do you know who I am?"


He pointed at Jun Yan and asked again, "And him?"


Oh my god!

After a while, they realized that Dingding was a robot created by Qi Zhengming, who could only say "dad."

Qi Zhengming probably felt too lonely here. Therefore he created a robot son.

After lunch, Xu Xiyan stayed with her brothers and Dingding, while Huo Yunshen went to talk to his master.

Inside the cottage, Qi Zhengming finally dropped the pen. He nodded satisfyingly at the newly finished drawing.

Then Huo Yunshen came in and placed his lunch on the table. "Uncle Ming, time for lunch."


Qi Zhengming put down the drawing and started eating.

Huo Yunshen helped him clean up the drawings in the room while he had his lunch.