It's Her?

Even though JS's army was highly skilled in ground warfare, their marine warfare capabilities were inferior to Estan.

"Of course! I'll lead the team myself!" Helian Wei assured.

It was a chance for the President to participate in the battle himself, and he was not going to let the opportunity pass by.

But with the role he played and the responsibility he held, he could only keep his distance from the actual battlefield and intercept Mo Xie if needed.

Helian Qingyu opened the map of Estan's marine defense and began to plan a route to take Lstan.

They began to make plans and work out countermeasures. With everything in place, all they had to do was wait for the engagement to happen.

It was then that Helian Wei finally understood why his son had decided to marry Lan Ling'er; it was all to save Jing Ruyue.

"Qingyu, sorry for putting you through this," Helian Wei said as he patted his son's shoulder.