Wishful Thinking

Helian Wei gave Yun Xuerou a chance to explain herself, but not in the White Tower. In a small pavilion.

"Speak. What do you want?" Helian Wei asked with his back towards Yun Xuerou.

"I know that you don't like me and want a divorce, but I really hope you will reconsider," Yun Xuerou said. "Our kid is an adult now, and he's about to have his own family. If we have a divorce now, it will have a bad impact on him."

"You're right, he's an adult now. Which means that he can live on his own and our divorce has nothing to do with him. The divorce must happen, and I will fulfill any conditions you want."

Helian Wei was already at the stage where he would abandon everything, even his position as the President, to live with Jing Ruyue.

"What if I say I want the Moon Castle and the Rose Garden?" Yun Xuerou asked.
