Someone He Wanted To Meet

"What a good kid." Helian Qingyu smiled as he put Ying Bao in his father's arms.

Helian Wei could feel a sense of familiarity from Ying Bao as he hugged her, and It was probably due to them being related by blood.

When Huo Yunshen and Xu Xiyan heard a car stopping in front of their manor, they went out to greet their guests.

"Mr. President, General, welcome to our humble home," the couple greeted, but were instantly shocked when they saw Ying Bao lying in Helian Wei's arms.

Xu Xiyan hurried to them and tried to get Ying Bao away, saying, "Come here."

Yet Ying Bao took a liking to the new uncle and did not want to go away from him.

"It's okay," Helian Wei said. "I can take care of her."

He did not put Ying Bao down and walked straight into the manor.

They sat down in the living room while Huo Yunshen prepared tea for them.

Xu Xiyan went back into the kitchen to help her mother with the food.