Satisfy Her

Huo Yunshen hoped that Xu Xiyan could calm down and give him a chance to explain.

"What? Aren't you enjoying it? Having two women by your side. Did I just ruin your moment?" Xu Xiyan scolded and turned to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" Huo Yunshen said, trying to grab Xu Xiyan's hand. "Helian Chen forced me to meet with him. He was the one who put those two onto me. I did not touch them."

"Who the hell are you kidding?" Xu Xiyan asked, slapping Huo Yunshen's hand away. "If I had been just a little late, you would've already kissed one of them. Is it because I'm pregnant and you've lost your interest in me?"

Tears rolled down Xu Xiyan cheeks as she scolded him furiously,

"Of course not! You will always be my goddess, the only one for me."

"Oh, really? Then why don't you kiss me?"

Xu Xiyan raised her head a little, waiting for Huo Yunshen to kiss her.

But Huo Yunshen kept staring at her and did not move.