Prove His Flexibility

After Xu Xiyan found out that Huo Yunshen was hurt, she took full responsibility in taking care of him.

After a week of resting, the wound finally closed up after it was treated with Jing Huaduo's herb.

Huo Yunshen decided to leave the bed.

Xu Xiyan pushed the door open and walked into the room only to see her husband changing before the mirror. Huo Yunshen has already put on a pair of slacks and was buttoning his shirt.

"Hey! Why are you up?" Xu Xiyan scolded.

"I still have a lot of things to do," Huo Yunshen explained, looking at Xu Xiyan from the reflection in the mirror. "Don't worry, the wound is almost healed."

"Let me see."

Xu Xiyan pulled Huo Yunshen's shirt up and realized that he has already removed the bandages himself. It was as Huo Yunshen has said, the wound has recovered, but Xu Xiyan was still worried.

"Are you sure it's completely healed?" Xu Xiyan asked, staring wanderlessly at Huo Yunshen's abs.