Pay By Blood

"Let me tell you this, Brother Xie, my sister is still alive. If she learns that you'd hurt Ling'er, she'll definitely come for you!" the Lady White Tea said. She has been refraining from telling Mo Xie that she has saved her sister, Lan Qiwei, from Mo Xie's hands in the past.

Lan Qiwei has once mentioned that she would not interfere as long as Mo Xie did not harm their daughter. But if he did, she would not sit still and watch idly.

"So, that woman is still alive?" Mo Xie said without any expression. "Well, whatever, I'll let Ling'er off this one time."

Mo Xie turned to look at Lan Ling'er, but the look he gave did not have any emotions in it. It was as if the girl before him was not related to him by blood.

"Since I've spared your life, can you tell me where Jing Ruyue is?" Mo Xie asked Lan Ling'er coldly.

"I don't know. All I know is that she's with Huo Yunshen," Lan Ling'er replied.