Settle The Score

"I get it, father," Mo Yutian said. "Long Rui killed my mother while Huo Yunshen killed my brother and took a leg from me. He even toppled my control over many countries! I'll have to settle the score with him sooner or later!"

Mo Xie did not respond to his son and looked outside through the window, staring at the quiet ocean.

Even if the ocean looked quiet on the surface, beneath it lay many undercurrents.

It was as if the quietness on the surface was the calm before the storm.

Mo Xie waited until Mo Yutian had left the castle and descended to a dungeon beneath it.

The dungeon was a place where sunlight could not reach, and it reeked of mold.

In it was a woman being tied up.

Her messy long hair covered half of her face, and her shirt was covered in dirt and mud.

It was as if the woman had just climbed out of sewage sludge.