She Finally Knows

Xu Xiyan thought about the movie that she did, Landscape.

She thought of what kind of man Feng was.

He was handsome, calm, held a high position, and was unreachable.

The clues were there from the beginning for Xu Xiyan, but she never noticed them.

Xu Xiyan kneeled in front of her mother and asked, "Mum, please tell me that I'm right. Is Helian Wei my father?"

Jing Ruyue did not reply, only the sound of her tears could be heard.

Jing Ruyue has replied to her daughter with her tears and silence.

Xu Xiyan's mind was in chaos and remained silent too. She sat on the floor, trying to sort things out.

She could finally understand her mother, why she was reluctant to tell her the truth.

Xu Xiyan's father was right beside her all the time, and Jing Ruyue was keeping it from her.

All because her father was the President of a country and has his own family and son.