Changed A Lot

"The renovation is almost complete. The grand opening will be held in a few days. I'll have to accompany him to get some herbs in the afternoon," Huo Yunshen said.

Huo Yunshen has been helping Jing Huaduo with his new clinic in Xu Xiyan's place and has little time to visit the hospital.

"Then hurry up and go!"

"All right. I'll come again after that."

After Huo Yunshen had left, Xu Xiyan ate lunch with her mother.

Because Jing Ruyue could not eat much, she stared at the remaining foods and sighed.

"What a waste it would be if we were to throw these away."

Xu Xiyan agreed with her mother, as it was a waste to throw away the food that her husband had prepared.

But she suddenly thought of an idea and said, "Mum, I'll take care of them."

She packed the remaining foods that were untouched and took them to the 6th floor.

But she did not take the food directly to Helian Wei and gave them to Le Xiu instead.