Never Failed Me

Xu Xiyan told the reason why her mother wanted to see Mr. Ouyang. So Ouyang Feifei escorted them in at once.

Luckily, Xu Xiyan had gotten to know Ouyang Feifei when she was disguised as a man. Otherwise they would not have entered the Guangming Residence so easily.

Ouyang Feifei took them directly to her father Ouyang Qing.

Inside Ouyang's study.

Hearing that he had some important guests visiting, Ouyang Qing refused directly. "I'm not seeing anyone."

Before he could finish the words, Jing Ruyue entered and asked, "Not even me?"

Upon hearing the familiar voice, Ouyang Qing suddenly raised his head and looked toward the entrance.

There came in the light a slim and fair figure, wearing a white dress. She seemed to be made of crystal.