A Younger Sister

"Hey, you shouldn't move," Helian Qingyu shouted when he saw Ouyang Qing trying to get up. "Your wound is closed now, but you need to rest. I've already asked someone to inform Mrs. Ouyang and your daughter, and they will arrive anytime soon."

"What happened after I was unconscious?" Ouyang Qing asked as he thought of what Helian Xiong had done. "Did Helian Xiong overtake the Blue Palace?"

"No. I've got him in custody now," Helian Qingyu replied.

"I see."

Ouyang Qing let out a sigh of relief.

After talking for a while, in came three other people. They were Xu Xiyan, Huo Yunshen, and Jing Ruyue.

"Brother Ouyang, thank you so much," Jing Ruyue said. "You even got hurt for it."

"I didn't do anything. You didn't have to come all the way to visit me."