The Nerves He Had

Xu Xiyan could not believe her eyes when she finally realized who the person was. The person she thought to be a beggar turned out to be Lan Ling'er.

"Why are you here?"

"I escaped! Please, Jing Xi, you have to help me. I have nowhere else to go."

Lan Ling'er had been captured by her brother for committing treason against him and their father. She used her connection to escape Lstan through a trading ship.

She thought of going to Helian Qingyu. But when she learned that he had become the President of Estan, meeting him would be even harder than running from her brother. The only person that she could think of that could help her was Jing Xi.

But finding Jing Xi was no easy feat either. She had been scouting outside the Yunjing Manor for days until she finally saw Xu XIyan leaving.

"What happened to you?"

Xu Xiyan could not believe that the person she was looking at right now used to be Estan's national goddess.