His End

As soon as the bird flew away, Mo Yutian went after it.

"Little bird! Little Bird!" Mo Yutian kept on muttering.

Xu Xiyan felt as if something was off, thinking that Mo Yutian was just putting up an act.

"Stop it! I know you're faking it! You're the reason Huo Yunshen is still unconscious! Why don't you die…"

Xu XIyan kept on scolding, but Mo Yutian did not even pay any attention to her.

Something's wrong here… Xu Xiyan thought.

A doctor came in at that moment, and Xu Xiyan asked him about Mo Yutian.

"Doctor, what's wrong with him?"

"His cranial nerves are injured, and he now has a cognitive disorder. His brain is also damaged. To put it plainly, he now has the brain of a two-year-old kid."

"So, he's an idiot now?"

"You could put it that way."

Xu Xiyan turned to look at Mo Yutian. The man had already lost all his maniacal look and now was just a plain idiot. He would sometimes bite his finger or the bedsheets.