Back To What I Used To Do

"What does it feel like to forget someone important?" Jing Xi asked.

"I don't really feel anything. It's just that something is gone from my memory, but I don't get troubled by it. In fact, I think that it's a good thing."

Losing her memories did not affect Huo Sanyan much.

But Jing Xi had a different opinion. Even though Huo Sanyan might not be affected by it, it was a nightmare to the people who loved her.

Jing Xi could not even imagine how hurt Ye Xun was.

"Oh, right, I'm going to start working in a few days."


"Celebrity Times. I'm going back to what I used to do."

Huo Sanyan wanted to do something because she was bored. She had already passed the Celebrity Times' interview and would start working the next Monday.

"Ye Xun's okay with it?"