Breaking Off The Engagement?

"You seriously have no idea! He's like a little kid, doing anything he wants!" Jing Ruyue scolded.

She realized that Helian Wei was more persistent than he used to be after living with him for a while.

He cared for her so much that he would do things for her no matter how small the things were.

Jing Ruyue told him not to trouble himself, but he did not even listen to what she said.

She had even once said that she did not want a wedding. Once Helian Wei heard about it, he straight up planned a marriage for her.

Xu Xiyan could not help but laugh after hearing her mother out.

"Come on, mom, why do you have so many opinions right now?" Xu XIyan laughed. "Does he know about them? Don't tell me you want to break off the engagement? That would hurt him."

"No, I'm just telling you what's been happening recently."

It was Jing Ruyue's dream to marry Helian Wei and grow old with him.