It Suddenly Doesn't Hurt Anymore(4)

It was Jun Yan's first time meeting Ren Meixin, but he had no idea when he had saved Ouyang Feifei once.

Gu Yici quickly took care of the wound on Ouyang Feifei's knee.

"All right, it's done. Don't let the wound come in contact with water for a week," Gu Yici said.

"Is that it? Can she walk now?" Ren Meixin asked worriedly.

She told her daughter to try and walk. But as soon as Ouyang Feifei got up, the pain from her ankle made her sit back down.

"Oh, right! She sprained her ankle too," Jun yan said.

"Wait, let me have a look," Gu Yici said.

But as soon as he touched Ouyang Feifei's ankle, the pain made her pull her leg back.

Gu Yici grabbed her foot and twisted a little.

"Looks like it's dislocated," Gu Yici said. "I'm not good with this. I think its best if we send her to the hospital."

Ouyang Feifei's face turned pale from the pain, and she was sweating heavily on her forehead.