Murphy's Law

She was desperate in seeing them enjoying the feast without her.

Ye Xun was very determined. "No way. It is my house. If you or your babies got hurt, what would I tell my Boss? You'd better behave. I'll cook whatever you want after you give birth. But not now."

"Second Brother! You used to be so good to me! Now that you've got a girlfriend, I'm nobody to you! Shame on you!"

Jing Xi sat there complaining while rubbing her belly. "Hey, you poor things. Uncle Tree-Leaf only belongs to your sister. Don't you ever think about his roasted chicken wings."

Ye Xun was speechless. How could she use her babies as an excuse in order to get some food?

"Fine, fine. Here you go. No more than one pair."

"Yeah! Sure, sure."

Jing Xi took over the roasted chicken wings and could not wait to enjoy them. She kept praising how wonderful they were.