Let Her Do Whatever She Wants

"Return whatever you took from her! Or you'll get something worse than this!"

Huo Yunshen scolded as he landed a hefty punch on Boris's face.

Boris was captured by JS. The first thing they did was have him transfer whatever he took from Huo Erqi back to her before bringing him to see her.

Huo Erqi looked at Boris from high above as he kneeled before her.

She was already thinking about the losses she had suffered from loving him for ten years.

Boris was terrified. He hugged Huo Erqi's leg the moment he saw her.

"Qiqi! Please forgive me! I know I'm in the wrong, but please let me go just this once… I promise that I won't do that again!"

"And what about that woman?"

Huo Erqi had already seen through what kind of a man Boris was and would not believe his lies.

"I'll divorce her and never contact her again! You're the only one that I've always loved. She's just nothing. You're everything to me!"