
Huo Yunshen frowned when he thought he heard that Jing Xi went out fighting again.

"What? No… nothing…"

Jing Xi realized that she should not have spoken and became anxious.

"Come here! You better tell me everything!"

Huo Yunshen pulled Jing Xi out of the room.

"It really is nothing. I beat a girl, that's all. It was a one-sided beating."

"Jing Xi! Do you even know what you did?"

There was no way Huo Yunshen was letting Jing Xi off easily after he learned about the fight.

Huo Erqi felt happy when she saw her brother and Jing Xi remaining so close, but it almost made her feel lonely.

She thought of herself as the worst amongst the sisters.

She was the first to get married, but only to lose everything in the end.

Even though Huo Yijing had gone through the same thing as her, at least Huo Yijing still had her son.

There was nothing left for Huo Erqi.