Some New Clue

Huo Erqi and Gu Yici both noticed Huangfu Xuanye so she asked, "Who is this honored guest? I guess he is not from Estan."

"Right. He's from the Northern Kingdom. Huangfu Xuanye, Prince of the Northern Kingdom."

Gu Yici was shocked after Jing Xi's introduction. "Oh My! What a wonderful place you have! And look at what kind of guests you host here! There have been two presidents and now here comes a prince. If you ever want to move out, do let me know and I'll definitely buy it."


They were all amused by Gu Yici's comments.

Thinking of the Northern Kingdom, Huo Erqi recalled, "I know the Northern Kingdom. The King of the Northern Kingdom used my design for their wedding jewelry, and I was there. I'll show you the pictures."

Jing Xi had never been to the Northern Kingdom and waited curiously for Huo Erqi to show the pictures on her phone.