Who Is Behind This?

Ying Bao waved. "Bye, Uncle Prince! You listen to the doctors and behave yourself! I'll come back soon!"

Huangfu Xuanye waved goodbye as well, although he wished she could stay.

Jing Xi took Ying Bao out of the hospital. Huo Yunshen was waiting for them by the car and opened the door upon seeing them.

When they got in, Huo Yunshen went to the diver's side and was about to get in too. Then he suddenly felt dizzy and lost his eyesight for a split second.

Huo Yunshen had experienced headaches, instant loss of eyesight and dizziness several times lately.

He thought it was because he had been working too hard and needed more rest. So he never went to the doctor.

He held the door and stood there for a few seconds. When he made sure he was fine again he started the car and headed home.