How I Wish I Could Kiss Him

"Uncle Prince has left!"

"That's good." Tang Feimo had barely gotten relieved before Ying Bao added, "But he is staying in my grandpa's. I can still visit him. Mommy took me there earlier today!"

Tang Feimo was speechless.

He was feeling good to know that the boy was finally gone. But Ying Bao bombarded him with such bad news again.

Ah… What should he do?

Whenever he thought about how far he was from Ying Bao while that boy was so close, he could not help feeling super annoyed!

"Cherry! Did you forget what I told you? You should not play with him anymore. You are a kid. You should only play with me!"

Tang Feimo found it necessary to remind his little wife from time to time.

"I see, I see!" Ying Bao nodded.

Right then, Jing Xi showed up on the screen. She said, "Hi, Feimo!"

"Hello, Auntie Jing!"

"Are you having breakfast? Is your mother there?"


"Can I talk to her?"