Reluctant To Stop

They got ready for a team fight and found some new faces on their team.

[Yiye Zhiqiu]: Who is this Qingyi Xiashi?

[Dongxie Xidu]: No idea. A newcomer?

[Gongzi Yaoye]: It's so obvious. Can't you see? It's our invincible Mr. President!

[Dongxie Xidu]: Oh no! I'm panicking! Is the president on our team? OMG!

Mang Haodong could not believe that Jing Xi and Huo Yunshen even got the president of Estan on their team.

[Yiye Zhiqiu]: I thought so. But who is this Luoxue Fenfei?

[Gongzi Yaoye]: It's Ouyang Feifei. She is new. Let's take good care of her.

Jing Xi had just gotten Ouyang Feifei on the team. She ranked fairly high too, and had married in the game.

Ouyang Feifei greeted everyone and they all welcomed her.

Ye Xun tried to look at Ouyang Feifei's profile and saw the name Sihuo Nianhua under her "Spouse" column. He burst into wild laughter.

Sihuo Nianhua was Jun Yan's username!

How interesting!