Running Away!

"Stop! What are you doing?" Mo Beichen scolded, but the only answer he got was a hard punch from Jun Yan.

Mo Beichen fell to the ground and the ring was lost.

When he got up again Jun Yan had already taken Ouyang Feifei away. They disappeared at the entrance of the hall. The guests were all shocked. They asked around, trying to figure out what had just happened. Was the bride just kidnapped?

Ouyang Qing and Ren Meixin were also confused. Since it was Jun Yan who had taken Feifei away, they had to turn to Jing Xi for help.

"Uncle, auntie, don't worry. I'll go check on them."

Jing Xi reassured them and took her daughter out.

Stepping out of the venue, Jing Xi saw the chaos in the other ballroom.

Huo Yunshen got out and came to them. Jing Xi asked, "Do you have any idea what's going on?"

"He ran away!" Huo Yunshen answered briefly. He got hold of his wife and daughter and said, "Come on, let's go."