As Close As Possible

Tang Yichen came with his wife Liang Lan, carrying their luggage. Huo Yunshen walked toward them and said, "Tang, sister, how was your flight?"

For a frequent flyer, it was nothing. Tang Yichen smiled. "I'm used to it. But Lanlan had airsickness."

Liang Lan smiled politely. "I'm feeling much better now."

"Then let's go home. Come with me."

"Huo, thank you. We're bothering you again." Liang Lan thanked him.

"Don't mention it. We are so happy you could come. You should come more often."

Huo Yunshen then turned to the two kids. "Come on guys, let's go home now!"

Tang Feimo let go of Ying Bao, held her hand and followed their parents to leave the airport.

Huo Yunshen had come in a limousine today so that they could all sit in the back and chat while Mo An drove.

Ying Bao and Tang Feimo stayed as close as possible to each other with hands in hands, almost like conjoined twins.