Still Attractive

After sending Tang Yitan and Liang Lan off, Jing Xi went to Ying Bao's room to help the kids shower.

But when she walked into the room, she found out the kids were still playing.

"Ying Bao, Feimo, time to shower," Jing Xi said.

"Mommy, can we shower later? I want to play a little longer with Brother Feimo," Ying Bao requested.

"Fine, another 30 minutes, okay?"


Jing Xi returned to her own room to shower first. Huo Yunshen had already prepared her pajamas for her and came to help her shower.

"I can clean myself, take some rest."

Jing Xi did not want to bother Huo Yunshen with every detail since he had been working all day long.

"It's all right. Let me help you."

Huo Yunshen took her to the bathroom. In it was a chair for hair washing, like those that could be found in salons. Jing Xi lay on it while Huo Yunshen helped wash her hair before taking her into the shower.