Merely An Accident

She had no idea if it was right to tell him about Qiao Ruoxi's situation. But Jing Xi felt that it might be a good chance for the two of them.

After emergency surgery, Qiao Ruoxi was out of danger. But her lung had been pierced and she had to stay in the hospital for a while longer.

Huo Yunshen arranged the best ward for her and booked the presidential suite at a five-star hotel nearby for themselves and Tang Yichen and his family. They would wait for Qiao Ruoxi to wake up.

Their guards came back and reported that the assassin was actually a crazy homeless person.

He had no place to live and always wandered around the town. No one knew why he went after the women yesterday.

Since the homeless man was dead now, they could no longer ask for further details and had to stop investigating.

Qiao Ruoxi woke up on the following morning. Since she had been stabbed in the back she could only lie on her stomach.