
But they could not feel the coldness at all on the terrace. Instead, they even saw a starry midsummer night.

Jing Xi was surprised to see the stars in the sky and said, "Wow, this is unbelievable! How did you do it?"

"As long as I want, there's nothing I cannot do."

Huo Yunshen did not tell her the details. He enveloped Linshi with an artificial sky. It looked as real. But it could change into different times and seasons as he wanted.

Therefore the people throughout Linshi witnessed this marvelous midsummer starry night in the chilling winter.

Soon enough, the waiters served a candlelit dinner and charming melodies were played.

Huo Yunshen bowed to invite her for a dance. "It is old school. But I do want to take this beautiful lady for a dance."

"Who said it's old school? I couldn't be happier!"

Jing Xi placed her hand in Huo Yunshen's and started dancing with him.