Time to Take Responsibility

"Ying Bao, let's go. We'll visit them next time," Jing Xi said.

"Bye-bye, Uncle Dragonbeard, I'll come again, okay?" Ying Bao said and ran to her mother.

After they had left, Su Wanqin lay down and sighed.

"What did they do to deserve this? Why can't they live a safe and happy life? If I could trade my life for their happiness, I would do it…"

Mo Yutian looked out the window.

He suddenly made a choice. He decided that it was time to take responsibility.

Jing Xi and her family would never be safe unless Lady White Tea was apprehended.

After making sure that he wanted to walk down that road, Mo Yutian stood up. The out of mind look that he always had was gone and was replaced with a stern look.

"Mom, please get some rest. I have to go out for a while," Mo Yutian said.

"Okay." Su Wanqin nodded, only realizing what was happening when Mo Yutian was at the door. "What… Xiao'er?"