Hide It As Long As Possible

Huo Yunshen wanted to recover as soon as possible, so he could only remain in his room.

But he was also worried about Jing Xi and his sons.

Jing Xi was feeding breast milk to Little Grape. As she looked at Little Grape, who was doing his best to drink the milk, she couldn't help but think of Little Apple.

Tears from Jing Xi began to drip onto Little Grape.

She couldn't even imagine herself living if Little Grape wasn't there with her.

"Yanyan… Don't put any more pressure on your body," Jing Ruyue said as she wiped the tears off her daughter's face.

Jing Xi had not visited Huo Yunshen for a few days since her eyes were still swelling from all the crying.

They had decided to hide the incident from Huo Yunshen for as long as they could.

Helian Wei and Helian Qingyu came to visit Jing Xi at the hospital. They knew that they had to take responsibility for what had happened.