Divert Her Attention

When Jing Xi picked up the needle, she could feel herself suffocating.

Huo Yunshen was standing by the door and saw his wife shivering in front of the baby's bed.

He also realized that Jing Xi would cry when the kids had fallen asleep.

It was a sight that hurt Huo Yunshen a lot.

Jing Xi was in low spirits. Her smile was almost gone, and Huo Yunshen was worried that she might get depression from it.

He went into the room and sat next to his wife, pulling her close to him.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying again?"

"Nothing, it's just that I can't seem to finish this sweater…"

Jing Xi shook the half-done sweater and spoke with her trembling lips.

"Then, leave it there," Huo Yunshen said and put the sweater away. "You should go out and breathe some fresh air. The weather is good today. Why don't we take Little Grape out for a walk?"
