Smart Mouth

"Annie!" Yi Bei finally greeted with his mother's encouragement.

"He's still learning to talk. He kept calling you annie instead of auntie," Fang Xiaocheng laughed.

"Annie sounds good too." Jing Xi smiled and hugged Yi Bei.

After Huo Yunshen got Little Grape to take his afternoon nap, the adults began to talk in the living room.

Ying Bao had been living at the Moon Castle with her grandparents since the day before and came back around noon.

She also brought back the three puppies that her father had bought.

The puppies had grown and become more active.

"Daddy! Mommy! I'm back!" Ying Bao greeted as she brought the puppies into the house.

She noticed that there were guests in the living room. When she realized they were Fang Xiaocheng and Yi Xiao, she quickly ran to them excitedly.

"Auntie Orange! Uncle Yi! Why are you here?" Ying Bao asked.