That Was Close!

Helian Wei was rushing in to rescue his wife when Huo Yunshen stopped him. "Father, you are killing yourself if you get in from here. I've called the helicopter and we'll enter from the top when they come."

They could do nothing but wait for the helicopter.

Luckily they arrived soon enough. Huo Yunshen got on the helicopter and they took him to the terrace of the castle.

Jing Xi stayed with her father, holding the baby and, along with her daughter, waiting outside.

Huo Yunshen and four other rescue crews landed on the terrace and put on the masks before they headed in.

The door was locked. Huo Yunshen and his men kicked it open.

Upon opening the door, thick smoke came out. It was as dark inside as outside and the fire was roaring.

They turned on flashlights and entered. Before they went further down, one of them stumbled over something.

He flashed a light at what he'd stumbled over and called, "Someone passed out here."