Keeping It A Secret

That being said, Ni Xuelin took out an invitation and smiled. "This is a wedding invitation. Jing Xi, I'm getting married and you are invited."

Jing Xi was surprised while taking over the invitation. "You are getting married? To whom?"

She had never heard that Ni Xuelin was in a relationship. But now she was already talking about getting married.

Opening up the invitation, she was further shocked. "Qi Fang?!"

She found it hard to believe. "You and Qi Fang? Lawyer Qi? When did this happen? How come we never heard anything until now? Is this for real?"

Jing Xi was never expecting these two to get together among all their friends.

"It can't be more real! We've been together for a while, but we haven't told you."

Ni Xuelin was a bit shy.

"Ha, you are good at keeping secrets. So does your brother know?"