Pay For It

Jing Xi asked Lan Ling-Er to wait there and patted her on the shoulder.

"Auntie Jing, be careful," Lan Ling-Er said.

"I'll be fine."

Jing Xi was not afraid at all. Knowing that Huo Yunshen and his men had surrounded the place, she was full of courage.

She headed for the canyon, toward the darkness where she'd lost her Little Apple.

She said to him secretly, Baby, mommy's coming to see you.

Mommy won't let you die for nothing. She will pay for it today.

Jing Xi stepped resolutely on the rubble that made clashing noises.

When she arrived at the peak, she called out, "Yun Xuerou! Here I am! Where are you?"

No one showed up. She continued, "Don't you dare to come out? You rat! You could only hide in the darkness, in places as dirty as your heart. You don't even have the guts to come out and meet me in person! Do you know that you have lost it all? You coward!"

The challenge worked!