Meeting Huo Yunshen Again

Little Grape walked past every one of them and raised his head to look at them.

When Little Grape stopped in front of Jing Xi, he felt a surge of mixed feelings in his heart.

He looked at Jing Xi's face and realized she was the ugliest among all of them.

"What happened to your face?" Little Grape couldn't help but ask.

Jing Xi lowered her head to look at the cute little prince and smiled.

"I got burned. Aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be?"

Little Grape wasn't afraid of anything.

He then went back to his own seat, but his eyes never left Jing Xi.

Perhaps it was because of the scar on Jing Xi's face, but Little Grape felt as if something about her was different from others.

Or perhaps it was because the feeling Jing Xi gave off felt similar to his mother, which he had a vague memory of.

"My Prince, have you decided on which should help me yet?" Lan Yi asked with a smile.