Making Him Lose Control

The woman heard some noise and turned around. She saw the approaching man as well as the expectation and surprise in his eyes.

But when he realized who she really was, the expectation and surprise vanished immediately.

Huo Yunshen's sparkling eyes became dusted again. How could he forget again that Jin Xiaoxi looked almost identical to Jing Xi from the back?

They looked so similar that he could not help mistaking her as Jing Xi every time he saw her.

Huo Yunshen realized how ridiculous he was, and tried to hide his overwhelming disappointment with a bitter smile.

Everything went back to normal, including his coldness and indifference.

"How's Hengheng?"

Huo Yunshen came to find Little Grape sleeping in Jin Xiaoxi's arms. He found it unbelievable that his son could be so attached to this woman, and that he even slept in her arms.

It was the first time he saw Little Grape in someone else's arms, which was extremely unexpected.