Picking On Her

"I'm preparing some meat for His Highness for dinner."

Actually, Jing Xi was making some stewed meat to go into some stewed meat noodles.

Yao Zheng complained deliberately, "Nonsense. Lunch is barely over. There are hours before dinner. Are you going to do that for the whole afternoon? Don't loaf on here!"

"I'm not loafing on, Chief Yao. Some materials have to be prepared in advance," Jing Xi explained.

"Don't make any excuses. There is lots of work to do in the palace. You are paid a handsome wage and should definitely work hard. His Majesty did hire you to take care of our prince. But you are not just cooking his meals. You are not a cook!"

Jing Xi knew that Yao Zheng was deliberately picking on her. Since she was indeed paid well, she would not mind doing more work.

Therefore she asked, "So what do you want me to do, Chief Yao?"

"Go clean every room."

Fine. How hard could it be to clean the rooms?