An Unforgivable Crime

"You said that I gave you the keys, right? When was that?" Yao Zheng continued to ask as Jing Xi remained quiet.

"An hour ago, it was around 2," Jing Xi answered after thinking carefully.

"I wasn't even at the rear courtroom at that time." Yao Zheng smirked. "I was instructing the other servants on their jobs."

Yao Zheng even called over the servants that were supposed to be with her, and they proved that Yao Zheng was at the main palace around 2 in the afternoon.

"See? She's trying to frame me," Yao Zheng turned and told Huo Yunshen.

"What do you have to say for yourself now?" Huo Yunshen asked Jing Xi.

It was clear that Huo Yunshen believed Yao Zheng's words more than the arguments of a nanny that had just arrived a few days ago.

"I know I'm in the wrong for touching the things in the room, but Vice-Manager Yao was really the one who gave me the keys. She wanted me to clean the room…" Jing Xi tried to explain.