No Longer Who I Used To Be

Ge Juhua stood up in tears. "Xiaoxi, what should we do now? He spent all of our money. How are we going to survive here? We can only count on you now! Luckily you've got a job!"

Jing Xi was speechless. Their money was gone and they were all counting on her now?

How could they be so shameless?

"Mother! Come on! We've got seven people in this house. And you are all counting on me? Even if I didn't sleep and kept working day and night, how much money could I make? Now you've got no savings. So you all have to go make a living! At least my brother and sister have to go find a job! You can't count on me alone!"

Jing Xi put it straightforwardly. There was no way she herself could provide for the entire family.