He Had An Idea

"I can build a road and drive to my mother. And I'll drive her home."

What a simple and innocent wish!

Somehow Jing Xi was touched by his words and her tears fell.

"I'm sure you can do that. I believe you will make it some day."

Little Grape felt better and turned to his side. He looked at her and asked, "Auntie Xiaoxi, where have you been?"

"I went home."

"For what?"

"Er… I brought my son to sell kites," Jing Xi told him frankly.

"Selling kites?" Little Grape could not understand how important that was and doubted it.

"Take a look here. See what kind of kites we sell."

Jing Xi brought out her phone and showed Little Grape the photos and videos she'd taken.

Seeing his Auntie Xiaoxi and a little boy in the videos, Little Grape wondered if that was Auntie Xiaoxi's son.

He felt jealous when seeing the boy lying in her arms and laughing heartily.