I Want A Kiss

Jing Xi served tea for the group of celebrities.

When the time came, the nurses came to pick up Little Grape. Everyone kissed him goodbye and gave him encouragement.

But when the boy was about to leave, he turned back to Jing Xi.

He cuddled her on the leg and said, "Auntie Xiaoxi, I'm going to get surgery. Will you stay with me?"

Jing Xi squatted and gently touched his cheeks. She said, "Sweetheart, auntie is not going anywhere. I'm staying here to welcome you back. When you wake up you will be totally fine. Then you can play with Niuniu again. OK?"


"Now go ahead. You are the bravest!" Jing Xi hugged him again.

But Little Grape wanted more. He pointed at his cheek and said, "I want a kiss, like the one daddy and grandma gave me."

"Sure!" Jing Xi smiled and placed a firm kiss on his cheek. "How about that?"

"Good." Little Grape felt satisfied and left with the nurses.