Known For Being Unreasonably Stubborn

Yao Zhen had a perfect plan. Now the ugly nanny was gone. Later she would find an excuse to serve something for the king. Then… she would make it happen tonight!

Yao Zheng started counting down.

It was freezing in the wine cellar. Jing Xi tried until her hands became numb, but could never open the gate.

The cellar was kept at a low temperature to store wines. It was much colder than outside. She was almost frozen.

She kept rubbing herself and hopping in order to keep warm.

But it was still getting colder and colder. Her hair was frosting over.

No way!

She could not stay here to be frozen to death.

She had to find a way out!

And before that, Jing Xi had to maintain her body temperature.

She looked around. There was nothing else but bottles of wine. She tried to open a bottle and drank some wine.

The cold liquid flowed down into her stomach and turned gradually warm.

She could finally feel some warmth.