Must Be Her Imagination!

On the following morning, they were both awoken by the alarm.

Huo Yunshen felt as if his head was splitting.

He turned off the alarm and turned to cuddle the woman more tightly.

Then he found something wrong. What was going on? Who was in his arms?

He felt an explosion in his head and pushed the woman away out of panic. Then he turned on the lamp.

Darkness was dispelled. He looked at the woman by his side, whose face seemed scary…

Upon seeing that, Huo Yunshen felt the hair on his body standing up.

How could this have happened?

How could it be Jin Xiaoxi?

How could he have slept with Jin Xiaoxi?

Huo Yunshen tried to search for an answer. He recalled returning to his room and sleeping till dark. He remembered ordering that no one could enter without his permission.

He also remembered that Yin Feng said Jin Xiaoxi had already gone home. But how come she ended up in his bed?