A Ghost Singer

Jing Xi was officially a signed singer now. She was very excited and thanked David again and again. Then she left Longwei Music Studio.

With her gone, David called in another female singer right away.

In a short while, a woman in a very tight skirt with long curly burgundy hair showed up in his office. "David, what's up?"

"Angela, come on in. I've got something to tell you." David escorted her inside.

This young singer was named Angela, another signed singer with Longwei who was pretty close with David.

Angela was hot and David was very fond of her. But unfortunately, she was never popular no matter how they marketed her.

Angela closed the door and went behind the desk to sit on David's thigh. She asked, "Is there an emergency?"

David looked at her and said, "I've got a better idea to promote you."

"What is it?"

"Take a look at this contract. It was just signed today."