Making Sure

Jing Xi did not expect the lucky Goddess to look over her.

When she had just finished recording her fourth song, she got an email from Kaidi telling her that they wanted to talk to her about a contract.

Jing Xi even called and made sure since they had mentioned a contract and not the competition.

And their answer was precise. They wanted to sign a contract with her.

It was something that Jing Xi thought she could only ever hope for. Even though she was happy, she was also worried about her contract with Longwei.

Since Jing Xi was worried that something similar to the issue with Longwei would happen, she decided to go to Kaidi and learn more about the contract.

She could give up on the contract if it was another fluke again.

She arrived at Kaidi the next day.

After telling the receptionist who she was, she was immediately brought to the president's office.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Jin Xiaoxi…"